...treating your lawn how mother nature intended...
A beautiful lawn doesn't happen by itself...
CENTIPEDEGRASS SEED: Centipede grass is considered a southern grass and tends to thrive in hot, humid climates. The grass is generally light green with a coarse texture. It is sometimes called "The Lazy Man's Grass," coming from the fact that it needs less fertilization, and therefore less maintenance than other grasses. The slow growth rate means less mowing and is quite appealing to some people. The low nutrient requirement means that it will also perform better in less fertile soils than many other grass types. However, centipedegrass cannot tolerate a whole lot of activity. This type of grass is classified as a drought tolerant grass, yet it will still need to be watered or it could suffer damage during high heat or drought periods.
BERMUDAGRASS SEED: Bermuda grass is one of the best choices for a hot, sunny climate. Bermuda germinates quickly and grows vigorously to produce a fine-textured and dense lawn. It’s a resilient, wear-resistant turf that spreads rapidly by surface. It has excellent heat and drought tolerance and goes dormant in the winter, resulting in less maintenance. If not edged properly, Bermuda can invade flower beds and gardens. It grows wild in many lawns and can be invasive if it is not wanted. It can also become a thick, quality turf when properly maintained. The uses of the improved varieties range from golf greens and fairways, to home lawns. One of the disadvantages to bermudagrass is that it has very poor shade tolerance, which means it needs full sun.
SUN AND SHADE MIX: It's exactly as is sounds -- It's a versatile mix which means it stays green even in extreme conditions of dense shade and scorching sun. This type of grass seed mix spreads to repair bare and thin spots, so a full, lush yard is easily maintained. Sun and shade mix is especially great for new lawns, repair, and reseeding. Grows quicker, thicker, greener grass, guaranteed!
FESCUE GRASS SEED:Fescue is referred to as a cool-season grass. As the name implies, cool-season grasses can endure cold temperatures but decline in the summer’s heat. Turf-type fescues are improved fescue varieties that have finer blades and deeper, more vigorous root systems. Generally, they are more disease and drought resistant. They can also tolerate shade and temperature extremes better than some of the older fescue varieties. Fescue’s coarse texture and fast germination make it an excellent grass for erosion control. It can also tolerate compacted soil, it stands up to heavy foot traffic, making it a good choice for play areas or sports venues; and it stays green all year. It must be watered frequently during the summer months or it will quickly turn brown. This makes it necessary to overseed your lawn annually to supplement areas that were weakened or damaged by the heat. It thrives in sunny to lightly shaded areas.
ZOYSIAGRASS SEED: Zoysia is a beautiful turfgrass that grows well in a variety of climates. It forms an extremely dense turf and is considered to be one of the most wear resistant of all grass species. Zoysia is becoming more commonly seen because it is one of the toughest grasses out there and can withstand a lot of punishment. Another advantage is that Zoysia grass also has one of the lowest nitrogen requirements of any turf species. Other major benefits of this grass is its excellent drought and salt tolerance. Most zoysiagrass species have fairly good shade tolerance, and does well as long as there is several hours of direct sunlight that reaches it. A disadvantage to Zoysiagrass is that it, like bermudagrass, will turn a golden tan when it goes dormant. It can also spread into a neighbor’s lawn, causing problems and can even break-up a good friendship if not maintained properly!
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